The active participants are the following, grouped by categories based on the main role they play. Find the projects below.

User representatives

  • REAS – Spanish Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity (Red de Redes de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria). A 25-year-old second-level network that groups ca. 1000 organisations (social enterprises, cooperatives, NGOs, foundations, associations) using the tool to measure their impact. Its Social Audit / Balance Committee manages the state-wide core set of impact measurement indicators and participate in steering the tool Show your Heart. Contact persons: Susana Ortega, manager of Social Market Aragón and coordinator of Social Markets within REAS. Paula Gorini, coordinator of REAS Social Audit / Balance.
  • XES – Catalan Network of Solidarity Economy (Xarxa d’Economia Solidaria). A network grouping over 500 members, promoting an economic system that respects people, the environment and the territories, and that operates under democratic criteria, horizontality, transparency, equity and participation. Its Social Balance Committee designs impact measurement methods, manages the sustainability reporting campaigns within the network, and participates in the steering of the the tool Show your Heart. Contact person: Marc Becat, Social Balance manager.
  • Social Enterprise NL. It is a Dutch national network of social enterprises, with over 450 members. Its companies have the primary goal of creating social added value (impact); think of labour participation, environmental solutions and poverty reduction. As a network, they support social enterprises in their growth and professionalisation by organising Masterclasses and programs in all kinds of areas. During 2025, five social enterprises of the network will participate in Show your Heart pilots, supported by a project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Contact person: Stefan Panhuijsen, one of the directors of Social Enterprise NL, mainly concerned with the government’s agenda, setting up new projects, and connecting with international partners.

Academic partners

  • Utrecht University, the Netherlands
    • A team in the School of Economics investigates entrepreneurial and innovative behaviour in regional and social contexts. They provide requirements for impact management software tools. They lead the Scentiss project where the tools are applied in case studies to support the missions of social and community-based enterprises (see more about project Scentiss below). Contact person: Niels Bosma, Full professor in Social Entrepreneurship.
    • Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. A team in the Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) is providing scientific advisory in the model-driven engineering aspects of the software tool development. Contact person: Óscar Pastor, Full professor in Software Production.
  • A team in the Information and Computing Sciences department leads the research line on Software for Organisational Responsibility, which is managing the projects that concern investigating impact management methods and developing open-source impact management software tools and standards (e.g. openESEA and openBest). We are valorising these results through the Scentiss project. Contact person: Sergio España, Assistant professor in Software for Organisational Responsibility.

Software developers

  • Coopdevs SCCL. We accompany social and solidarity economy projects to adopt the best technological solutions with a strategic vision. We are “open by default.” Developing free software and actively participating in communities through technology is our passion.
  • Dabne Tecnologías de la Información S.Coop.Mad. We are a small ICT workers cooperative that creates websites applying responsible criteria to processes, designs and programming, so that the Internet continues to be a common good.
  • Amoved – artesanía digital. Our mission is to promote technological sovereignty, helping social enterprises, neighborhood businesses, collectives and associations to build their digital infrastructure and transition towards the use of free, collectivized and self-managed digital tools.
  • Codi Coop. We make the development of web applications a close, simple and clear process. In our decisions and in the way we work we constantly try to break away from the mindset of valuing people by their productivity.
  • Jamgo SCCL .We are a technological cooperative. We design and develop everything from advanced applications to web pages, as well as all kinds of customized technology solutions. We operate with democratic and fair criteria and transparency is one of our main values.

Public institutions

  • Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (Ministerie van Economische Zaken). The Ministry of Economic Affairs is working with its partners on an innovative and enterprising Netherlands and a strong, resilient economy that offers opportunities for everyone. During 2025, they are funding the development of Show your Heart and its promoting its adoption by Dutch social enterprises, through a project granted to Utrecht University (see below).
  • Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social). It supports several programmes and projects within REAS, funding the development of Show your Heart, and the authoring of aggregated impact reports (find some of them here).


  • Scentiss. An NWO-funded project named “Boosting social and community-driven entrepreneurship for the transition to an inclusive and sustainable society.” It is composed of a Dutch research consortium working on scaling strategies and strong ecosystems for social and community-driven entrepreneurs (SCEs).
  • Development of tool for impact measurement and reporting. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs is funding the development of Show your Heart and the execution of five pilots with Dutch social enterprises, members of Social Enterprise NL.
  • Valorisation of the openESEA framework for sustainability reporting. The Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University is supporting, through a Knowledge Utilisation Project 2024-2025, the valorisation of openESEA and its merge with the Show your Heart project.