Show your Heart
Show your Heart is an impact measurement tool for organisations that care about their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. It is meant for networks of social enterprises and their members. Show your Heart is open-source, web-based, model-driven, and compliant with the openESEA standard for ESG accounting. ESG accounting is also know by other names (e.g. sustainability reporting, social balance, CSR reporting, non-financial reporting, integrated reporting).
This site offers information about the Show your Heart, its current use by networks of social economy, and its further development plans. Feel free to navigate this website if you are interested in knowing more.
ESG accounting, if you want to know more about this practice.
History. If you are interested in the origin of Show your Heart, and its evolution.
Tool description, if you want to discover what features are offered by Show your Heart.
Use cases, if you want to understand who is using the tool and what for.
Stakeholders, if you are curious about the organisations involved in this long-term project.
Resources, if you are interested in scientific papers, reports and other resources related to Show your Heart.
Contact, if you want to approach us with questions or suggestions.